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  • Writer's pictureJuan Jacques Jacobs

Short Story Quick-Review: Dagon by H.P. Lovecraft

Updated: Mar 30, 2021

Rating 8/10


A castaway awakes on a strange plateau in the middle of the ocean. He catches a glimpse of the cosmic horror that once dominated the earth. In characteristic Lovecraft style, he loses his mind.


Classic Lovecraft, unfathomable horror, insanity, and despair. This is a powerful addition to the Cthulhu mythos. After reading this story I always walk around with a sense of cosmic insignificance, a sterile and hollow sensation in my chest.

Dagon is an epistolary story; a style Lovecraft was very fond of. I always wondered why he preferred to write this way until I stumbled upon this excerpt from the website.

As to letters, my case is peculiar. I write such things exactly as easily and as rapidly as I would utter the same topics in conversation; indeed, epistolary expression is with me largely replacing conversation, as my condition of nervous prostration becomes more and more acute. I cannot bear to talk much now, and am becoming as silent as the Spectator himself! My loquacity extends itself on paper.

H. P. Lovecraft to Rheinhart Kleiner, 23 December 1917


The Dagon-movie and the Dagon-short-story share noting except a title. If you watched the movie, and want to read the story that inspired it, you should read The Shadow Over Innsmouth.


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